Saturday, February 20, 2010

Pretty good hair detanlger

After watching a video by buildable beauty on You Tube I had to go and get me some Mane 'n Tail hair detangler.

Mane 'n tail is a solution for tangles and knots.It was about $5 . It promises to make your hair silky and reduce knots in your hair, and I have to say, I think it does a decent job.

I washed my hair and conditioned as usual with my Queen Helene conditioner. When making my old faithful two strand twists I used Shea butter, Paul Mitchell's detangling conditioner and shine lotion, and I threw in my new Mane 'n Tail detangler. I know what you're thinking but although I got good results when just using the first two products, less hair was lost when I also used the Mane 'n tail, and we all know that retaining hair is the key to getting that long hair so many of us want :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

All dressed up with nowhere to go :(

***NYX pigments and red cherry lashes***
You don't need a man to get dolled up; Just a little time, which if you don't have a man the TIME shouldn't be a problem.he he

Hey, gotta stay upbeat, especially so close to Valentines day. Bah! humbug! JK :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bon A petite!

Learning how to cook has been sort of a bitter-sweet thing for me.
In between eating potato omelets and greens and cornbread with lemon herb roasted chicken has been quickly converting to back and belly fat :(

Don't fret, I'm getting it under control.

Instead of a late dinner I settled for something to tie me over til breakfast;
A small plate of cottage cheese and pineapples. Not super healthy but compared to eating dinner at 9:00pm, a lot better.

I Had the most amazing breakfast this
I've been sick so I watched this morning's service via the web :)

Potatoes are hearty but they pack loads of carbs. Instead of the omelet, I made two pancakes; one with sliced bananas and one with fresh blueberrys. They were AMAZING.

I skipped my Dunkin Donuts coffee and had apple spice tea sweetened with organic honey and lemon. Fantastico!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Beautilicious love's givaway

Hey girls, just entered a pretty cool givaway and wanted to share.
Check out beautilicious love at to check it out.

The winner gets a Free Mac lipstick and lipglass :)

Love ya.
